What happens when?

Vad har öppen när? Vilka festivaler och turer finns? Här listar vi något av det som är öppet

Totta Tribute 5 år

  • Fredag: 4 april 18:30 - 23:30
  • Lördag: 5 april 18:30 - 23:30

Totta Näslund skulle ha fyllt 80 år den 1 april och dessutom är det fem år sedan vi gjorde vår första "Totta Tribute" på Furholmen, när husbandet (aka Malin & the Old Man Band) började ta form!

Därför vill vi återigen hylla Totta Näslund och de musikaliska sammanhang han verkade i.

Robert & Maria Wells

  • Fredag: 29 augusti 17:30 - 23:50

Nära intim konsert med Robert & Maria Wells
29 augusti välkomnar vi dessa två till oss på Furholmen Restaurang.

The paradise Ramsö

The paradise Ramsö

  • Startar: 2024-07-20
  • Slutar: 2024-08-03
  • Lördag: 10:00 - 14:30

Ramsö - A paradise island that few are lucky enough to discover.
A small and fabulously beautiful island in the southernmost part of the Koster archipelago.

Show on the Water

Show on the Water

  • Startar: 2024-07-06
  • Slutar: 2024-07-27
  • Lördag: 18:00 - 23:00

One of the summer archipelago news 2024!

Show on the Water
An evening that offers an exclusive archipelago experience in combination with a show, food & drink that will tantalize the taste buds.

Furholmen Havsbad - Boat to the bath

Furholmen Havsbad - Boat to the bath

  • Startar: 2023-07-03
  • Slutar: 2023-08-05
  • Every day of the week: 10:30-16:45

Furholmen has a long history. The most heard about is the bathing story.

In the early 1920s, it is documented that Furholmen in Strömstad was an organized sea bath.
It had been discovered that it was not dangerous to swim in the sea. And above all not without a doctor's supervision.

Kosterhavet between Islets and skerries

Kosterhavet between Islets and skerries

  • Startar: 2023-06-26
  • Slutar: 2023-08-18
  • Måndag: 10:00-16:20
  • Onsdag: 09:30-16:50
  • Fredag: 09:30-16:50

The Koster Sea with all its mystery and species richness. The nature and the archipelago which is absolutely fantastic. Visit both Sydkoster and Ursholmen, Sweden's westernmost inhabited lighthouse. You can hop on at Ekenäsbrygga and follow us to Ursholmen and be guided by lighthouse keeper Axel Haglund.

Kostertour from Daftö

  • Startar: 2023-06-27
  • Slutar: 2023-08-10
  • Tisdag: 10:00-16:40
  • Torsdag: 10:00-16:40

Come in the Koster waltz....
A song written by Göran Svenning & David Hellström in Strömstad

The Story about Strömstad

The Story about Strömstad

  • Startar: 2023-07-05
  • Slutar: 2023-08-02
  • Onsdag: 18:30-22:30

What do you think of when you hear Strömstad?
Shrimp, salty baths or trade? Strömstad is so much more.

Discover Ursholmen with lighthouse keeper Axel Haglund

Discover Ursholmen with lighthouse keeper Axel Haglund

  • Startar: 2023-06-26
  • Slutar: 2023-08-18
  • Måndag: 11:00-13:10
  • Onsdag: 11:00-13:10
  • Fredag: 11:00-13:10

Is a perfect tour when you have guests you want to show the archipelago
or if the family wants a joint activity such as a break from bathing.

Smuggling tour in the Archipelago® from Strömstad & Daftö Resort

Smuggling tour in the Archipelago® from Strömstad & Daftö Resort

  • Startar: 2022-06-30
  • Slutar: 2022-08-11
  • Torsdag: 17:30-22:30

The original of Smuggeltur i Skärgården®

Come along and get the story of the smuggler king Bremer and his adventures in our archipelago.
How he evaded the customs and conned them due to our dangerous waters.

Trawling in the Koster Sea - Sustainable Fishing from Strömstad & Daftö Resort

  • Startar: 2023-07-04
  • Slutar: 2023-08-08
  • Tisdag: 16:50-22:00

In the Koster Sea, the fishermen themselves have been involved in developing tools for sustainable fishing.
They protect the shrimp stock and have for many years developed selective tools themselves.
Come along and see how they fish only the quantity that can be sold and how they protect sustainable fishing!